
Online Contacts:

You can reach me the following ways while I'm online:

E-mail, note
Nick: phschafft
  • IRC @ PH2 (
  • OFTC (
  • ...and some more
Jabber (only when requested)
Social networks
None, note

Note for E-mails

Please use clear and concise subject lines when sending/labeling E-mails. E-mails with subject lines such as "hi" or "business contact" will be discarded as spam. Also, please avoid attaching any kind of file to E-mails.

Note for Social networks

I neither partake nor subscribe to any online social network. If you find accounts under my name they may be impersonations, please would you E-mail me alerting me to these profiles.

Offline Contacts:

You can also reach me by the following offline ways:

Postal address
Philipp Schafft
Birkenweg 15
64347 Griesheim, Hessen
On request on 2m/70cm. Amateur Radio (HAM-Radio) call sign: DM3LEO

OpenPGP Key:

Currently I'm using the following OpenPGP Key. It can be downloaded form all common Keysservers.

pub   4096R/5A00DB1D 2010-07-18
      Key fingerprint = 53DC 9F30 32FC 2A44 1557  220C 70AD DDF8 5A00 DB1D
uid       [ultimate] Philipp Schafft (ph3-der-loewe) <>